The Institute on Religion in the Age of Science is having its 2023 IRAS Conference at Star Island, NH, from June 25–July 2, 2023: The Wizards of Climate Change: How Can Technology Serve Hope and Justice? According to Roger Brown, it will be streamed for the cost of IRAS membership e.g. you must join ($40 for first-time members).
This conference will "critically examine how technology can be developed, deployed and governed responsibly, to address climate change in ways that foster hope and justice. We will respectfully engage a multiplicity of world views, including religious perspectives, as we learn how countries throughout the world determine and apply climate and technology policies."
Monday, June 26 – Technology and Religion: Wizardry and Prophecy
Tuesday, June 27 – Public Engagement around Climate Change and Intervention
Wednesday, June 28 – Uncertainty about the Future of Climate and Technologies
Thursday, June 29 – Responsible Development and Regulation of Technology
Friday, June 30 – Deploying Technologies to Foster Justice and Equity
Saturday, July 1 – Curating Sources of Hope in Regard to Technology
The American Geophysical Union (AGU) is a co-sponsor of the conference. AGU members will receive a discounted registration rate.