"Climate change, war, extreme inequality, economic upheaval, and the dying back of nature together create a planetary emergency of overwhelming proportions. Active Hope can strengthen our capacity to face this crisis so that we can respond with unexpected resilience and creative power."
Joanna Macy and co-author Chris Johnstone have a newly revised edition of Active Hope How to Face the Mess We’re in with Unexpected Resilience and Creation Spirituality's Creation in Crisis team of Bob Isenberger, Penny Andrews and Gail Ransom will explore the book on Thursday, September 1, 2022 at 1 p.m. PDT REGISTER HERE
This Zoom webinar will include both theory and practice as the team guides us through the key concepts of the book They will consider the wisdom of Macy, her transformational paradigm (The Work That Reconnects) and how to build resilience and strength to embody "Active Hope" to a wounded world.
The 10th anniversary edition of Active Hope came out on June 14, 2022, To get a taste of what it offers, you can read or download a pdf of the introduction and first two chapters from this link. You can also read or download a pdf list of fifteen ways the new edition is different from this link.
Drawing on decades of teaching an empowerment approach know as the Work that Reconnects, the authors guide us through a transformational process informed by mythic journeys, modern psychology, spirituality, and holistic science. This process equips us with tools to face the mess we’re in and play our role in the collective transition, or Great Turning, to a life-sustaining society."
The Work That Reconnects, based in the teachings of Joanna Macy, follows a Spiral of practices, described in detail below. The following links will help you learn more about the Work and how it can support you in meeting the crises of our time.
Joanna Macy, Root Teacher "the authors guide us through a transformational process informed by mythic journeys, modern psychology, spirituality, and holistic science. can strengthen our capacity to face this crisis so that we can respond with unexpected resilience and creative power. "Turning, to a life-sustaining society."
"The Work that Reconnects helps people discover and experience their innate connections with each other and the self-healing powers of the web of life, transforming despair and overwhelm into inspired, collaborative action." ~ Joanna Macy