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  • Rick Bonetti

America The Beautiful For All

On January 27, 2021 President Joe Biden signed an Executive Order directing the Interior Department to outline steps to conserve at least 30% each of our lands and waters by the year 2030." This Order was designed to "help restore balance on public lands and waters, create jobs, and provide a path to align the management of America’s public lands and waters with our nation’s climate, conservation, and clean energy goals."

On February 12, 2024, the America the Beautiful for All Coalition, a historically broad and diverse coalition of 250 organizations announced the release of "a unified and ambitious 2024 National Policy Agenda aimed at conserving 30 percent of U. S. lands and waters and ocean by 2030."

30x30 - Conserve, connect and restore at least 30% of land, water, and ocean in protected areas by 2030 to avoid massive species loss, secure equitable access to nature’s benefits, and prevent and repair the impacts of the climate crisis for all communities.

JUSTICE40 - Implement a Justice40 metric for the America the Beautiful Initiative to ensure at least 40% of the investments are made in communities of color and frontline communities that have historically seen little to no investment in conservation and equitable access to nature.

On February 29, 2024, from 3:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. PT. - Creation Justice Ministries is presenting a six-part webinar: Tools and Resources for Climate Care. This is part of the Faithful Preparedness, Faithful Resilience webinar series co-hosted by Creation Justice Ministries and SBP.

"The February 29th webinar will discuss support tools and resources to grow faithful resilience from the physical, social, and spiritual storms of climate change. Attendees will learn about the Faithful Resilience Guide, a 6-part spiritually-rooted resource on planning for climate change in congregations. Attendees will also tour the newly launched Faithful Resilience Story Map Collection, which utilizes mapping technology to connect scientific data with spiritual direction. Finally, The Rev. Diana L. Wilcox, will share how her congregation is actively implementing climate care initiatives in their community, serving as an inspiring example of faithful resilience in action." 

This event is free, but they welcome donations to cover the cost of hosting this event. Register here.

Register for the other webinars in this series:

Apr 25, 2024: Culture of Preparedness: Register

Jun 27, 2024: Democracy as Climate Resilience: Register

Aug 22, 2024: Disaster Preparedness in Your Communities: Register

Oct 24, 2024: Mental Health Preparedness: Register

Dec 12, 2024: Building Disaster Resilient Communities: Register


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