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Creating Connected Resilience within Climate Disruption

Rick Bonetti

Updated: Jan 24, 2023

Creation Spirituality Communities' Creation in Crisis webinar on Thursday, June 2, 2022 at 1 p.m. PT will be a presentation by Rev. Lauren Van Ham on Project Adapt. REGISTER HERE

In this month's Creation in Crisis session, Rev. Van Ham will introduce us to "Project Adapt" which believes that a more resilient and joyful way of living is not only possible but also critical for humanity's future generations. She will introduce us to ways to relinquish, restore and reconcile - from a place a reverence - so we can meet this moment with courage, curiosity and love." "Climate disruption is upon us. Around us we observe and feel the effects of Earth systems in varying states of collapse: socially, environmentally, economically and culturally. Around us, and often within us, we feel the destructive effects of unacknowledged power and privilege. whether or not humanity takes action to reverse global warming, we face difficult times ahead. How do we respond? How do we lead within the chaos?"

Rev. Lauren Van Ham is an Interfaith Minister, Chaplain, Activist, Lead Consultant & Past Seminary Dean, Chaplaincy Institute and Climate Action Coordinator for the United Religions Initiative (URI).

Creation in Crisis is a monthly webinar series of Creation Spirituality Communities, featuring environmental activists from a wide variety of situations whose spirituality supports and empowers their efforts. The 90-minute sessions include inspirational readings, music or visual arts, and the opportunity to engage in conversation with the presenter. Webinars are held on the first Thursday of the month at 1 p.m PT.

Your hosts for these Creation in Crisis webinars are

  • Penny Andrews, DMin UCS, Chaplin, Activist, Ritualist, Perma-culturist, Facilitator for Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects, Creation Spirituality Communities Board Member,

  • Gail Sofia Ransom, DMin '10 WU. Mystic, Musician, and Minister, Chant Specialist. Body prayer and Four Path Ritual Leader, President of Creation.Spirituality Communities Board of Directors 2014- 2018.

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