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Rick Bonetti

July 2023 Eco-Spiritual Calendar

Updated: Jul 24, 2023

Here is a list of some summer activities that may be of interest to climate concerns, particularly among spiritual communities.

July 6, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. PDT - Faith in Place is having an EPA Advocacy Workshop: We Deserve Clean Air & Water. "Together, we can demand clean air and water for our communities by submitting impactful comments to the EPA during public hearings and comment periods. Learn how to submit comments and testimony to the EPA and take action on two rules currently under consideration regarding coal ash ponds and power plant pollution! Register here

July 10, 2023, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. PDT - Rogue Climate is hosting a community event at the Geos Institute in Ashland, gathering community members to learn about the Ashland Electrification campaign that Rogue Climate Action Team (RCAT) is working on, have group discussions, ask questions and identify ways to take action.

July 11th to September 12, 2023 - Human Energy Project's Science of the Noosphere Master Class will "investigate the relevance of this deep evolutionary perspective to the social, technological, and ecological challenges humanity faces in the contemporary world."

This project is "directed by David Sloan Wilson, one of the foremost living evolutionary scientists who, like Teilhard de Chardin, includes all aspects of humanity in addition to the biological world within his scientific purview." More information regarding the class can be found here.

July 10-14, 2023 - The Center for Open and Relational Theology is having its ORTCON23 at Grant Targhee Resort in the Grand Teton mountains of Wyoming, This in-person conference "brings together scholars, leaders, pastors, and activists... providing workshops, lectures, and social activities to deepen relationships and present new ways of imagining God and the universe. ORTCON23 features Ilia Delio, Tripp Fuller, Eka Tupamahu, Bruce Epperly, and more. Registration:

July 11-14, 2023 - Climate solutions seekers will be converging on Detroit July 11–14 as TED hosts its second Countdown Summit. The event will bring together leaders from around the world to hear more than 40 speakers, including Project Drawdown Executive Director Jonathan Foley. He will share the latest ideas for turning the vision of a stable climate into reality. Project Drawdown is also a strategic partner for the TED Future Forum, a TED Countdown initiative that will bring together business leaders to explore ways to accelerate climate solutions.

Drawdown Labs Director Jamie Beck Alexander and Project Drawdown Managing Director Elizabeth Bagley will lead a Breakthrough session entitled “Emergency Brakes: Bending the Emissions Curve.”

Though in-person TED Summit attendance is by invitation only, videos of the TED Talks will be available later in the year. Learn more and register to receive updates here.

July 11, 2023, at 2 p.m. PDT​ - IRAS will present a webinar with Tom Atlee: The Wisdom and Resourcefulness of the Whole​. Tom Atlee is a former peace activist and founder (in 1996) of the nonprofit Co-Intelligence Institute (CII). He lives a simple life in a Eugene, Oregon co-op, is concerned about existential risks, and gifts almost all his work, supported by CII. Register here.

July 12, 2023, at 10 a.m. PDT - UCC Creation Justice, co-hosted by the Rev. Dr. Brooks Berndt, is presenting a webinar Seeing through the Smoke: Wildfires, Climate, and a Path Forward. This webinar will feature John Vaillant, who authored the acclaimed new book Fire Weather: A True Story from a Hotter World; Shana Udvardy from the Union of Concerned Scientists; and Rick O'Rourke, who practices fire stewardship on the Yurok Reservation. Even if you cannot make the webinar at its scheduled time on July 12th at 1 pm ET, still sign-up, and we will send you a recording. Register here.

July 13-16, 2023 - Wild Goose Festival in Union Grove, NC is "a transformational community grounded in faith-inspired social justice."

July 14, 2023 to August 4, 2023, on Fridays, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. PDT - Deeptime Network is presenting QUANTUM WISDOM: An Inquiry into the Nature of Time. more information and registration here. Registration without PD Hours: $195/$150 (Early Bird till July 10th); with 8 PD Hours: $295/$250 (Early Bird till July 10th.) Premium members receive a 10% discount. Become a premium member and save.

July 19, 2023 at 12 p.m. PDT - Pachamama Alliance is presenting a webinar Resilience and Possibility in These Times: Work in the Amazon, with Bill Twist and Amazon Watch founder and Director of Global Strategy of the Amazon Sacred Headwaters Initiative, Atossa Soltani. Register here.

July 22, 2023, from 10-11:30 am. PDT - SOCAN's Sustaining Climate Activists focus on supporting and sustaining climate activists. Meetings during the summer are at Blue Heron Park on the fourth Saturday All are welcome.

July 22, 2023, at 10 a.m. PDT - The Shift Network is presenting a free webinar Discover Hope for Humanity’s Future: Science, Spirituality & the Noosphere with Matthew Fox & Brian Thomas Swimme. If the following two broadcasts have already occurred, this link will give you access to the event recording as well as any further live events that may be scheduled. This webinar will encore Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. PDT Click here to access the event.

Other Summer Events

August 9, 2023 - IRAS will present a webinar with Rabbi Igael Gurin​, ​TBD

August 20, 2023 - Sustainable Rogue Valley is continuing its film/conversation series - next up is Symphony of the Soil.

August 22, 2023, from 4:00 - 7:30 p.m. PDT - SOCAN's monthly meeting will return in August with an in-person program at the Medford Public Library on the alarming demise of Douglas fir trees in the region.

September 5, 12, and 19, 2023 - Water Action Community events at the Bellview Grange.

September 7, 2023 - IRAS will present a webinar with Ursula Goodenough, TBD

September 21-23, 2023 - The Center for Process Studies, Center for Christogenesis, and Villanova University in Pennsylvania are presenting a conference on Whitehead & Teilhard: Convergences, Divergences, Integrations. "This conference draws together Whitehead and Teilhard scholars to advance the possibilities and relevance of process philosophy and theology through an integrative encounter between these two foundational figures." A virtual-only registration ticket is $100, which grants virtual, simulcast access to the conference and edited recordings. Deadline for Registration: August 10, 2023 Register here.

September 28-29, 2023 - BTS Center is hosting Convocation 2023: Kinship: Re-Weaving the Great Web of Belonging. The gathering will be held in person at Hallowell, Maine with a hybrid, hosted, live-stream option for some of the Convocation sessions. Presenters will include: Victoria Loorz, author and co-founder of the Wild Church Network: John Bear Mitchell, musician; and storyteller; and Rev. Liz Fulmer, a queer pastor and musical storyteller ritual; Register here.

October, 2023, - IRAS will present a webinar with Bradley S. Artson, Sinai, Stars, & Synapses: Science and Judaism As Partners In Wonder

November, 2023, IRAS will present a webinar with Frank Schaeffer, artist & theologian, TBD


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