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Resilient, Efficient Buildings Task Force

Rick Bonetti

In 2022 the Oregon State Legislature established the Joint Task Force on “Resilient, Efficient Buildings (REBuilding).” This Committee, co-chaired by Senator Kate Lieber and Representative Pam Marsh includes 27 members representing labor, builders, public health, utilities, affordable housing, environmental justice, local government, and climate expertise.

Their Final Report was adopted in December 2022.

The Oregon Environmental Council urges State legislators to take action in this session to make Oregon more climate resilient against ever-worsening climate harms, increase energy affordability, and reduce the fossil fuels driving this crisis. Energy-efficient homes and buildings protect Oregonians against climate impacts by maintaining healthy indoor air quality and temperatures and save families and businesses money on utility bills.

I urge you to follow through on the work of the REBuilding Task Force by supporting legislation this session to:

  1. Enhance the efficiency of the state’s largest existing buildings

  2. Ensure new buildings are constructed as efficiently as possible

  3. Expand programs to support energy efficiency and the widespread adoption of electric heat pumps and heat pump hot water heaters

  4. Improve the efficiency and resilience of public buildings.


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