Here is a list of some summer activities in Rogue Valley and online that may be of interest to climate concerns and spiritual communities.
September 5, 12, and 19, 2023 - Water Action Community events at the Bellview Grange.
September 7, 2023 - IRAS will present a webinar Taking Nature to Heart: The Religious Naturalist Orientation with Ursula Goodenough. She will discuss this orientation in her new book, The Sacred Depths of Nature: How Life Emerged and Evolved, and describe the Religious Naturalist Association, which seeks to introduce this orientation to others. Register here.
September 9, 2023, from 6 – 8 p.m. PDT - SOCAN is having a kickoff gathering: Reaching a New Level of Climate Action outdoors at the home of SOCAN activists in Medford. A light meal and beverages will be provided at no cost, They will discuss planning for SOCAN’s new level of climate action. This is "a major fundraising campaign to enhance the capacity of their organization and allow us to meet the continuing and increasing need for action. Through our efforts, we intend to hire our first Executive Director, which will allow us to expand our fundraising efforts and our impact across populations in Oregon." Since space is limited, we would like to know how many will join us. If you plan to attend, please reply by September 2 to Isabella Lee Tibbetts at Isabella@socan.eco indicating how many will be in your party.
September 12, 2023, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. PDT - Institute For The Future is offering a free, online, and immersive session where IFTF researchers and invited experts will explore perspectives on AI's future development. They will also be providing an exclusive first peek at IFTF’s ten-year technology forecasts outlining AI's potential long-term impacts on human abilities, jobs, and organizations. Additionally, there will be an interactive and not-to-be-missed AI “digital twin” simulation, with IFTF Distinguished Fellow Bob Johansen, that will give participants a first-hand experience of a variety of alternative AI futures. Register here.
September 13, 2023, 2 p.m. PDT - Ashland Youth for Electrification is having a Rally for Climate Justice and Clean Air at 51 Winburn Way, Ashland, Oregon (meet across from Skout restaurant at Lithia Park. RSVP at this link
September 16, 2023, from 10 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. PT - Citizens Climate Lobby is having a one-day online inclusion conference: “Building Community Beyond Barriers,” Register here.
September 21-23, 2023 - The Center for Process Studies, Center for Christogenesis, and Villanova University in Pennsylvania are presenting a conference on Whitehead & Teilhard: Convergences, Divergences, Integrations. "This conference draws together Whitehead and Teilhard scholars to advance the possibilities and relevance of process philosophy and theology through an integrative encounter between these two foundational figures." A virtual-only registration ticket is $100, which grants virtual, simulcast access to the conference and edited recordings. Register here.
September 21-23, 2023, in person and online - Buckminister College in Brussels is having an educator's open workshop on Teaching and Learning in the Noosphere. The workshop is sponsored by Human Energy, an international project focused on the scientific exploration of the concept of the noosphere and its worldwide popularisation. Register here.
September 26 to October 4, 2023 - Thomas Hubl hosts Collective Trauma Summit 2023: Creating a Global Healing Movement. Learn how to address individual, ancestral, and collective trauma from 60+ speakers, artists, and visionaries. Register here.
September 28-29, 2023 - BTS Center is hosting Convocation 2023: Kinship: Re-Weaving the Great Web of Belonging. The gathering will be held in person at Hallowell, Maine with a hybrid, hosted, live-stream option for some of the Convocation sessions. Presenters will include: Victoria Loorz, author and co-founder of the Wild Church Network: John Bear Mitchell, musician; and storyteller; and Rev. Liz Fulmer, a queer pastor and musical storyteller ritual; Register here.
September 20, 2023 - Deeptime Leadership & Wellbeing (nine-month) Program: Life and Leadership that Start with an Evolving Universe starts Sept. 20, 2023. Presenters included: Stephan Martin, Brian Thomas Swimme, Mary Evelyn Tucker, Jennifer Morgan, Matthew Fox, and adjunct faculty. An installment program in three modules is offered. More information here.
September 21, 2023, from 4:30 to 6 p.m. PDT - SOCAN Central Point Climate Action Team is having a planning and organizational meeting at the library, 116 South 3rd Street, Central Point, OR.
September 26, 2023, at 6 p.m. PDT - SOCAN Monthly meeting at Medford Public Library. The program will be: What’s Happening to our Douglas firs?
Additional Activities in Coming Months
October 4, 2023, at 4 p.m. is the online national launch of Blessed Americas's One Home One Future movement.
October 10, 2023 - OLLI at SOU is having a 3-session, weekly, online class taught by Anita Dygert Gearheart on Making Sense of the Climate Crisis. Registration for unlimited OLLI classes for the next three semesters is $150
October, 2023, - IRAS will present a webinar with Bradley S. Artson, Sinai, Stars, & Synapses: Science and Judaism As Partners In Wonder
November, 2023, IRAS will present a webinar with Frank Schaeffer, artist & theologian, TBD
November 17-19 2023 - Human Energy presents the N2 Conference – The Noosphere at 100: The Future of Human Collective Consciousness at the International House, University of California, 2299 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley, CA 94720. The 3-day conference, features thought leaders, scholars across fields, and eminent scientists, including Philip Beesley, Johan Bollen, Anne Clin, John Cressler, Terrence Deacon, Ilia Delio, Ben Goertzel, Francis Heylighten, Kevin Kelly, Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Jaron Lanier, Wolfgang Leidhold, Raphael Liogier, Louis Savary, Gregory Stock, Brian Thomas Swimme, David Sloan Wilson, and others. The program includes plenary and concurrent sessions featuring invited and selected presentations and a selected poster exhibit. Interactive formats that prioritize discussion and application are welcomed.
Early-bird Registration deadline is October 7th.
What a great list of ecospiritual courses, seminars and events. It's heartening to see the depth and breadth of these offerings. Thank you for it!
Imogene Drummond