Addressing the challenge to stop and reverse global warming is not just a matter of facts and convincing verbal arguments - motivation to change our economic and political systems as well as corporate and individual behaviors must also speak to our hearts and our worldview. Stories and ideas are often best communicated through essays, art, interviews, poems, reviews, books, questions, and videos.
Center for Humans and Nature (CHN) is a nonprofit, non-partisan organization with "a mission to explore and promote human responsibilities in relation to nature."
CHN's online digital publications are housed under Stories & Ideas. These “Stories & Ideas” are featured in a diversity of forms - essays, art, interviews, poems, reviews, and videos.
A variety of contributors share their diverse perspectives on themes such as Animals & Plants, Care, Climate Change, Community, Cosmos, Culture, Healing, Justice, Land & Water, Language, Practice, Reciprocity, Sacred, Sovereignty, and Urban Nature.
CHN contributors have included Rebecca Solnit, Adrienne Maree Brown, Tommy Orange, Mary Midgley, David Sloan Wilson, Benjamin Barber, Robin Kimmerer, David Abram, Maude Barlow, Herman Daly, Bill McKibben, Sharon Olds, Nalini Nadkarni, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, Vandana Shiva, and James Gustave Speth, among others.
CHN also publishes Minding Nature, currently, an annual journal that “explores ecological responsibilities, values, and practices.” You may also subscribe to their weekly newsletter for the latest stories and ideas.
Photo Credit (above): Bobtail Squid, by NOAA