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Rick Bonetti

The Noosphere & the Global South

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

Human Energy and the Institute for Advanced Studies are presting the N2 2024 conference: The Noosphere & the Global South on December 16-18, 2024 livestreamed online and in-person in Morocco.

"In light of this and our current global challenges, we pose three grand questions:

  • What is our larger purpose on our shared planet?

  • In the face of a widespread climate of negativity, where the dominant mood is to shout what we are against, what is it that we joyfully affirm?

  • To what do we give our enthusiastic assent and our human energy?"

"N2 is an international, interdisciplinary conference fostering creative collaboration for intentionally and ethically steering the future evolution of global consciousness."

“N2” signals the exponential pace of the evolution of the noosphere and the reality that the next century will far exceed the last in rapid and radical change to the global mind."

“N2” also suggests how the noosphere amplifies our access to human understanding - beyond the individual “n of 1.”

In an era of unprecedented global challenges and rapid technological advancement, understanding and guiding the evolution of the noosphere - our collective consciousness - has never been more crucial.

The N2 Conference aims to address critical questions about our shared future, fostering innovative solutions and collaborative thinking, particularly from the perspective of the Global South.

Here are some abstracts and the link to the YouTube for Day 2 December 17, 2024:

Terrence Deacon - The Noosphere: Symbolically Extended Cognition

Ilia Delio -Teilhard’s Noosphere: Why Evolution and Religion Belong Together.

Abstract: "The Noosphere is our present reality of complexified matter and global consciousness. Scientists mapping the Noosphere show grids of interconnections that reveal a formative pattern of a higher-ordered collective. Teilhard de Chardin envisioned this pattern almost a century ago, but he saw that emerging complexified wholeness cannot be adequately sustained without religion. He did not conceive religion as a confessional set of doctrines but the depth dimension of all reality, the search for ultimate meaning, and the state of being grasped by ultimate concerns. “Religion and evolution,” he said, “are destined to form one single continuous organism, in which their respective lives prolong, are dependent on, and complete one another.” Religion is the biological response to the emergence of spiritual energy. His sense of religion, therefore, is experiential and supports faith in the future. The true function of religion is to sustain and spur on the progress of life. In his view, no one religion can satisfy the religious spirit of the earth and its evolution towards Omega. If religion is a biological phenomenon, what is religion on the level of emerging Noosphere? Science has significantly advanced the Noosphere but without a rebirth of religion, the future is fragile."

Gregory Stock and Sadie Stock: Swimming in the Noosphere

Abstract: "The nature of human existence is shifting abruptly. Our recognition of digital natives, which was so widely touted in the early 2000’s, has turned out to be but prelude to the growing realization that we are now wading into an unfathomable noospheric pool of AI-centered information flows. Not only are we entering a Post Truth World in which it will be increasingly difficult if not impossible to independently establish verifiable truth, but the supposed gulf between digital immigrants who were adults when digital technologies exploded, and digital natives who’ve never known anything else is seeming ever less significant. It is nothing compared to the chasm between digital natives and Generation AI — those growing up in an AI-infused noosphere permeated by invisible technology, AI , and soon enough AGI (artificial general intelligence) and ASI (artificial superinteligence)."

Abre Fournier and Brian Swimme In Dialogue: From the Noosphere to the Metamind — Charting a New Era of Global Consciousness

Clément Vidal: The Noosphere Narrative: Bridging the Anthropocene, Gaia and the Technological Singularity for Planetary Progress

Abstract: "Narratives for our global future are dominated by the Anthropocene, the Gaia hypothesis, or the technological singularity. However, these narratives paint a biased picture and fail to offer a consistent and hopeful vision for our future. We argue that the noosphere can offer a synthesis of these narratives, and introduce new concepts to this end. A key idea of the Anthropocene is the great acceleration, creating destructive and out-of-control dynamics, that we propose to counter with a great regulation to stabilize Earth systems. A central insight of the Gaia hypothesis is the discovery of feedback loops between the geosphere and the biosphere. We argue that feedback from humans and the noosphere should be included into this picture, forming a broader “Anthropogaia”. The technological singularity advocates often have a blind faith in the salvatory potential of technology. We argue that this potential should serve more a planetary vision, and less transhumanist themes and hopes. The noosphere can also be framed as the first planetary major evolutionary transition, and usefully described with living systems theory to identify and tackle global challenges. In sum, we argue that the noosphere is a unique vision and narrative that invites systemic action to tackle global challenges, while providing a positive and consistent evolutionary outlook into the future."

Boris Cyrulnik: Phenomenon and Thought (in French)

Abstract: "When we compare brains in the living world, we see the development of a capacity to escape reality. A bird can migrate by processing only contextual information. A monkey can solve geometric problems and make tools. A human child also lives in an immediate context, but when language bursts forth around the age of three, the child can refer to things and events that are distant in time and space. It is only around the 6th-8th year, when the prefrontal neurons involved in anticipation connect with the limbic neurons involved in memory, that the child becomes capable of telling a story—the representation of an entity that is impossible to perceive, such as God, life after death, or the First Crusade. Thanks to its linguistic capacity for dual articulation, the child can tell other people what he thinks, and these others may think differently. Thus, a world of representations is created, detached from perceptible phenomena. This verbal world acts on the brain and creates a noetic world that we inhabit for our greatest happiness (art) or for our greatest misfortune (fanaticism)."

Panelists: Raphaël Liogier, Saâd Tazi, Frédéric Baitinger, Shima Beigi: The Noospheric Journey of Robinson Crusoe: A Rite of Passage into the Peaceful Warrior Archetype within the Noosphere

Join us live on our YouTube channel and don’t miss any of today’s insightful discussions.


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